Leaders Awards

The training awards and keys are designed to recognize unit Scouters for tenure, training, and performance in their leadership roles. Progress record forms with the 2018 requirements are linked to patches.

Den Leader Training Award Patch

Scouters Training Award Patch

Scouters Training Award Metal

Cubmaster Key Award Patch

Cubmaster Key Award Metal


You know how important first impressions are and Cub Scouting is no different. Boys and girls join Cub Scouting for excitement, to be with friends, and to have fun. Fun den meetings will help ensure that good first impression. By following the plans outlined in the Cub Scout Den Leader Book for each rank, you will be able to conduct fun and exciting den meetings and your scouts will come back for more!

Also, available is the Rank specific booklets for each Den Leader to get familiar Den Meetings: These go over program ideas, the different parts of your meetings to help you plan. A monthly activities for the different parts during the meeting can be found in the Cub Scout Den Leader Book for each rank put out by National and it has forms to help you track achievements and electives.

Webelos to Scout Transition booklet. As well as other helpful items for the transition into a Troop. (669KB)

Start planning your Den Meeting with the Cub Scout Den Meeting Program Planner. (69KB)

    • Remember 2 deep leadership at all Cub Scout events
    • and Lion and Tiger Cubs MUST have their adult partners will them at all Cub Scout events.

Webelos Leaders will use:

At your Pack Meetings, show off each month what your Scouts have done. The parents and the other members of the Pack can see what they have done and talk to the Scouts about their projects and something one Den did one month might be something your Den would want to do another month using a different approach.

To plan the Pack Meeting use a copy of my Cub Scout Pack Yearly Plan Outline (Generic). (44KB)

and always get your parents to fill out the Parent Interest Sheet so you can know the special interests and hobbies that can give your Den and Pack that extra spark. (27KB)

While planning an outing have your parents sign permission slips so you are prepared for an emergency.

To get the most out of your Planning in your Den and Pack you should have your Committee Meeting after your Roundtable night so you can get the latest information from your District Executive on events that are planned in your District and Council.

Also, you will get the extra Roundtable Resources that are found in the RT Commissioners Guide book for each month. If you haven't visited the Roundtable section of this web site you might want to check out the back issues of the CubRoundtable Newsletter.

As a leader you need to check out the Training section of this web site to see what Training you need to take and in what order to get the most out of the training.

Every Scout deserves a Trained Leader and every Leader could use the support that you get from Training.

While at Training you net work with your peers and seasoned Scouters who have a wealth of experience to draw from. You learn while at the Training but also you continue to be connected to other Scouters years later.

The best plan to succeed as a Scout Leader is to plan your work and work your plan:

    • Training from Fast Start
    • New Leader Essentials
    • and the Leader Specific for YOUR CURRENT JOB
    • get the booster each month at Roundtable
    • get to know and work with your District Executive
    • and your Unit Commissioner
    • and remember your support Scouters are Volunteers just like you and want to help you succeed!
    • Attend your University of Scouting or Pow Wow (great places to learn new topics and meet more Scouters).

Volunteer to work your District or Council Events -- they are run by volunteer Scouters just like you who started in the Dens too.

We are always looking for good help --and the events really benefit from the extra help.

Ask someone to be a mentor -- it's a great way to make friends.

Important info on Cyber Chip and YP on the Miscellaneous page - check it out!

Remember to have FUN and create lots of memories!

About Sunshine Productions

Freelance graphic web design, specifically with not-for-profit organizations since 2002.

I also have a broad experience in graphic design as well, producing a wide range of products, including, brochures, newsletters, ads, and specialty items for schools, churches and BSAC Boy Scouts of America. I have received many honors for my volunteer work with BSAC and Findlay City Schools.


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Ideas to Share?

If you are a Roundtable Commissioner and would like to put information on the site, credit will be given to you and your Council.

At this time, we will focus on the theme of the month for info to share.

Sharing our talents can help create better Roundtables for our leaders.

Contact Carol E. Little


is your connection to what events are happening in your district and council!

Attend and bring back all the event info for your scouts to have a fun time in Scouting!

WB C-CS-15Little Bear