Camping is a great way to learn new things and practice skills.
Lion, Tiger, Wolf, Bear, Webelos and Arrow of Light rank books where you can find the requirements needed to advance.
Enjoy the Outing in Scoutng!


was designed to have additional resources for you to use in your Den, Pack or Roundtable; whether you are a Leader, Cubmaster or Roundtable Commissioner.

We hope that this will save you time and give you great assets to strenthen your program.


New to the Program as of June 1st, 2024 is:

Bobcat changes for all Ranks

Changing from a Rank to the first Adventure
a Cub will earn.


Similar activities and they can
be used across all dens.


A rank change

Webelos for 4th Grade

and separate

Arrow of Light for 5th Grade.


Elective Awards

Now adventure loops,
not medals or patches.



Camp Berry Sign

It only takes one hour a week.

Best known Scouting quote.

Welcome to Cubroundtable

I hope that CubRoundtable will become a very important asset to you, your Den and Pack. I used to be a Bear Assistant, Webelos Leader, Training Staff member, Roundtable Staff and then RT Commissioner. I realized during those years that there wasn't a lot of information that could easily be found outside of the resource books that the Boy Scouts of America put out.

About Sunshine Productions

Freelance graphic web design, specifically with not-for-profit organizations since 2002.

I also have a broad experience in graphic design as well, producing a wide range of products, including, brochures, newsletters, ads, and specialty items for schools, churches and BSAC Boy Scouts of America. I have received many honors for my volunteer work with BSAC and Findlay City Schools.


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Ideas to Share?

If you are a Roundtable Commissioner and would like to put information on the site, credit will be given to you and your Council.

Sharing our talents can help create better Roundtables for our leaders.

Contact Carol E. Little


is your connection to what events are happening in your district and council!

Attend and bring back all the event info for your scouts to have a fun time in Scouting!

WB C-CS-15Little Bear